NAME OF THE WORK:"Hoow..." DRAWING DATE:19.02.2000
Here you see the Arabic form of the pronoun "He". It is read as "Hoow".
In Islamic
literature, especially in Sufizm, this word has a great significance.
Because when the word "Hoow" is said "The Lord Of the Worlds Allah"
is remembered. This is because in many verses of
The Holy Koran (look: {2:29}, {3:2},
{7:187}, {10:107}, {13:30}, {44:7}, {74:31}), Allah
talks about himself by using the word "Hoow".
NAME:"Name Of Allah In Arabic Form" DRAWING DATE:23.01.2000
Here you see Arabic form of the word "Allah"
(God) drawn by hand using the mouse`s left button.

English meaning of the verses: "In the name of
the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1-Woe unto the defrauders, 2-Those who when they take the measure from
mankind demand it full, 3-But if they measure unto them or weight for them,
they cause them loss, 4-Do such men not consider that they will be raised
again, 5-Unto an awful Day, 6-The day when all mankind stand
before The Lord of the Worlds."
NAME:"The Verses 1-6 Of Chapter Mutaffefeen (Defrauding)" YEAR:1999
This work was made to be used as a picture on a jeweller shop`s calendar.
As you know "weighting in justice" is very important in jewellery business.
And when you read the Holy Koran you see many verses related weighting in
justice (look: {6:152}, {7:85}, {11:84-85}, {55:8-9}, {57:25}).
And this chapter (surah) of the Koran is beginning especially mentioning
about this subject. So we found that to use such an image on a Muslim
jeweller`s calendar was very suitable.
The picture of the scale was found from the Internet by making a search. And
the verses composed onto the scale image.
These verses are very nice examples of the education method of
in The Holy Koran.
In The Koran, sometimes He tells us about the people and tribes in the
history; sometimes tells the good and bad deeds directly and sometimes
implies in the examples. He wants the mankind to ponder what he tells and
not to do the deeds similar in badness what He told and to do the good deeds
similar in goodness what He told. We can see His this aim in these verses of
The Koran: "(This is) a Scripture that we have revealed unto you
(Muhammad), full of blessing, that they may ponder its revelations,
and that men of understanding may reflect." (38:29),
"And in truth We have made the Koran easy to remember; but will any take
heed ?" (54:17,22,32,40)
So, by the verses in the work, Allah (swt) commands the people always to
behave each other in justice and "to behave the others as good as they expect
from the others". In the verses we see two of the main beliefs of Islam: to
believe only one God "Allah" The Lord of the Worlds, to believe that everybody
will be raised again after death and held responsible in the hereafter whatever they
did in their life on the world.
NAME:"Salam" YEAR:1995 It is a simple work drawn using the
left mouse button. This the Arabic form of saying "Peace of Allah be upon
you!"; it is pronounced as "As-Salaamu Alaikum!" This is an important phrase
for Muslim people. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked the Muslims to say these
words to each other when they meet at anywhere.
NAME:"Frame With Words-1" YEAR:1992 This work was made as a
frame for a home`s wall. On the top of the frame you see the Arabic form of
the name of Allah and the name of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), beneath you
see some Turkish sentences which means in English: "A village can not be
without a headman, a letter can not be without a writer, a needle can not be
without a maker and can not be without an owner... Then how could this
extremely perfect universe be without a
NAME:"Frame With Words-2" YEAR:1992 This is the second frame
that was made for a home`s wall. The Turkish sentences in English: "Alas! We are
deceived! We had though our life on the world was endless. Because of this
thought we squander it. Yes, this transient life is like sleeping; it ended
like a dream. And this unfounded life gone like a wind..."
NAME:"The Mosque" YEAR:1991 Here you see a simple hand drawn
picture of a mosque. It is the praying place of the Muslims. Although the
graphic has some mistakes it is being keeped without changing since it
is the first hand drawn work of the
NAME:"The Surah Infitar (Cleaving) From The Koran and Its Turkish
Meaning" YEAR OF THE WORK: 1998 ACTUAL DIMENSIONS: 1029x621 pixels INFO:
On the right side of this work you see the original Arabic form and on
the left its Turkish meaning. The Arabic part was scanned from a Koran and
after added Turkish meaning to the left. At the same time you see Arabic
form of the name of Allah composed onto the main picture.
The Surah in English: "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1-When the heaven is cleft asunder, 2-When the planets are dispersed, 3-Whe
the seas are poured forth, 4-And the sepulchres are overturned, 5-Each soul
will know what it has sent forward and what it has kept back. 6-O Man! What
has beguiled you from your Lord, The Bountiful, 7-Who created you, then
fashioned, then proportioned you. 8-In whatever form
He wished, He formed you. 9-No, you deny the Last Judgement. 10-Yet there are
guardians watching over you, 11-Noble recorders, 12-Who know of all that you
do. 13-The righteous surely will dwell in bliss. 14-While the wicked surely
will be in blazing Fire. 15-In it they will burn on the Day of Judgement.
16-They will not escape it. 17-What will convey to you what the Day of
Judgement is! 18-Again, what will convey to you what the Day of Judgement
is! 19-A day on which no soul has power at all for any other. The absolute
command on that day is Allah`s."