We had made these
works in memory of the birthday of the last prophet
He was born on 20.April.571 at the night of Monday (12 of Rabeulawwal in Islamic calendar).
This birth was like a rise of sun upon the humanity. He was sent as the last prophet after
Jesus (peace be upon him) by the Lord of the worlds
Allah (God).
He was Allah`s mercy for the humanity to show them the right path for their happiness both
in this life of the world and in the hereafter. Yes, He was a mercy for the humanity because
believing the principles He brought and thought, was giving the humanity the chance to find
the right belief which their Creator (Allah) approves and the right attitudes
which enable them to live with each other in happiness, peace and affection
without having to have bad experiences.
He brought
the last message
of Allah to the humanity as a guide book.
By this means, we would like to tell you the first comment of the
book He brought in the page order. Since it is a message sent for the mankind, the first
comment of The Holy Koran in the page order is especially for the whole mankind:
"O MANKIND! Worship your Lord, who had created you and
those before you, so that you may protect yourselves.
Who had appointed the earth a resting-place for you, and the sky a capony;
and caused water to pour down from the sky, thereby producing fruits as a
food for you. And do not set up rivals to Allah, while you know better..."
(The Holy Koran 2:21-22)
ABOUT THE WORKS: The names of Muhammad were written in "Jalee Ta'liq"
calligraphy style. The bodies of the texts were made from gold. In the first work, on the
left of the name you see a respect and praying statement which is read as
"Sallallaahu Alaehe Wa Sallam" (shortly saaw) and means "Blessings and peace of
Allah be upon Him".
You see the backgrounds with a rose, why? Because the rose has a special significance
in the Islamic literature: Especially in Turkish Islamic Literature and Arts, the rose
represents prophet Muhammad and that is symbol of Him.
At the lower part of the work you see a verse from The Holy Koran which explains why Muhammad
(saaw) was sent as a messenger of Allah: "We have only sent you as a mercy for all worlds."
(The Holy Koran 21:107)
This artwork is in the same calligraphy style with the ones above. However it was written
a little differently. You see 3D name of Muhammad (saaw) on a background with rose. On the
left of the name the phrase "Sallallaahu Alaehe Wa Sallam" was written with pinkish orange
color. Above the name you see the beginning of the Koran verse mentioned above which is
read as "Wa maa arsalnaaka ellaa" and below the name you see the rest of the verse
"Rahmatan lel aalameen". The body of the text of the verse was rendered as 3D with gold body.
By clicking the pictures below you can see four different version of this artwork.
In these artwork we tried to design the works above with a red rose background. By clicking
the pictures below you can see two different version of this work:
We made this artwork with yellow rose background. On the left of the name you see another
respect and praying statement which read as "Aleihes salaam" and means "Peace of Allah be
upon Him". Clicking the pictures below you can see three different version of this artwork:
At the background of the 3D Muhammad (saaw) name you see a rose and the verse of the Holy
Koran explaining why Muhammad (saaw) was sent as a messenger of Allah:
"We have only sent you as a mercy for all worlds."
(The Holy Koran 21:107)
This work has a oak wood text body and background.
The name in this work also was written in "Jalee Ta'liq" Islamic calligraphy style.
The background was made from mosaic.
This work has the same calligraphy style with the ones above. The name was made
from gold and the background is from mixed pastel colors.
This work has a pastel colors background. You can also see
this work with a green and blue satin backgrounds by clicking on the images
This work has a satin background and wood body. You can see this work with a plain
green background by clicking on the image below:
In this work the name was made from hard wood with
a black background.
In this work the name of Muhammad and the ground were made from bricks.
Our visitors may find a lack of relevance between the texture used in this work and the
subject of it. Let us explain the thought behind choosing such texture for this work:
While we were making this work a saying of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was in our mind. He
"My similitude in comparison with the other Prophets before me is that of a man who
has built a house nicely and beautifully, except for a place of one brick in a corner.
The people go about it and wonder at its beauty, but say: �Would that this brick be put
(Sources of the Hadith: Bukhare, Manakeb 18; Muslem, Fadail 21; The Page of
Hammaam b. Munabbeh, Hadith 2.)
Here the name of Muhammad and the ground were made from stone. The hadith above was effective
on us while we were making this work too.
Here the name of Muhammad was made from bricks and the ground from water.
You see a rose under the water. You know the meaning of the rose anymore;
don`t you ;).
We made these works in memory of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad too. These artworks are
3D version of the classic calligraphy work
done by Mahmud Cel�leddin Efendi with "Jalee Thuluth" Islamic calligraphy style. The subject of
the artwork is a poem about Prophet Muhammad. Meaning of the poem in English is: "Muhammad
is a human but he is not an ordinary human; He is like a ruby among the stones."
As you understand, using a background with stones we tried to emphasize the theme of the
poem. And for emphasizing the comparison to the ruby stone we have made the name of
Muhammad -saaw- and the pronoun "Hoow" that indicates Him with red color. You can see
this artwork with a different background too by clicking this picture: