Various Islamic Calligraphy Works

On this page you will find various 3D Islamic calligraphy works.

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This is the 3D version of our work "Hoow" that you can see on the page 2D Hand Drawn Graphics. The texture of the word is red plastic. Here you see the Arabic form of the pronoun "He". It is read as "Hoow". In Islamic literature, especially in Sufizm, this word has a great significance. Because when the word "Hoow" is said "The Lord Of the Worlds Allah" is remembered. This is because in many verses of The Holy Koran, Allah talks about himself by using the word "Hoow".
You can see this work as applied "light blue", "yellow" and "turquoize" colors by clicking on the images below:


Here you see Arabic and Turkish forms of the phrase "Allah is sufficient for us! He is the best protector." (Hasbunallaahu Wa Ni`mal Wakeel). This phrase is a part of a verse from The Holy Koran. It is an important sentence and belief for Muslim people. In the picture the first row is from marble, second row is from glass, third row is from gold, my name is from brown metal and the ground is from shiny metal.

This picture differs from the one above by its small difference on perspective and being the writings from gold.

This is the first work of the "Hasbunallah" series. Here you see only "Allah is sufficient for us!" part of the phrase above. The words are from white wood, the ground is from agate stone. We have made this work in different brightness and textures. You can click on the images below to see the them:


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The last update of this page: 12.Oct.2011